Scott Joyce

animator | illustrator

GlobalARRK – Stuck in the Middle

Client: GlobalARRK
Commission: After carrying out work for GlobalARRK in the past, they contacted me regarding creating a short animated film that would be accessible to young people. They had already worked hard on putting a script together. The story was of a young boy, Tom who was 10 years old and who was going through a tough time with his Mum and Dad splitting up and his Mum taking him from their family home in Australia to England.

After seeing the script we were able to talk through how I could translate the story into a series of illustrations with a small amount of animation keeping within their budget. When approaching the illustrations, I wanted them to reflect the message in a simple form and to strike the right balance between not being too colourful or too sombre.

I produced a very initial storyboard which helped to outline the project and show GlobalARRK. Roz at GlobalARRK arranged a young person to read the script and he did a great job of bringing the story to life. I recorded this performance and after a few takes, as a team we achieved what I feel was a great result. After this I was able to progress with the design and illustrations through to completion, keeping GlobalARRK up to date through a number of proof stages.

Below is the final storyboard before I started the illustrations.